Our projects

Creating Hope, Sharing Resources, Providing Awesome Service

Adopt A Stream — Clean a local stream on Earth Day

Alzheimer's Walk — Team walk and monetary donations by walkers

Archer Elementary — Reading to students twice a week

Clapp's Nursing Home — Holiday Cards, Bingo Prize Bags

Crop Walk — Team walk and monetary donations by walkers

Backpack Beginnings — Donations of food for the nonprofit

Give-A-Kid-A-Coat — Coat collection

Church World Services — Created 100 hygiene kits (men and women)

Greensboro Fire Department — Provided baskets with condiments and sweet treats

GTCC Harvest Food Basket — Food items for college students during holiday break

Horsepower Therapeutic — Member volunteer

Matthew 25 Ministry — Collected used medicine bottles for foreign medical ministry

Out of the Garden — Packed fresh food items to be delivered to families in need

Pathways Family Shelter — Provide monthly meal for families in housing transition

Pizza Fundraiser — Cosponsor with Airport Rotary Club for End Polio Now

Project Rebuild — Completed yard work and house repairs; Interact club stained a ramp

Stuff the Bus — Solicited school supplies at local retail sites

Triad Honor Flight — Provided snacks for the April 2024 flight

World Polio Day — Donated the cost of meals


Club Events
Walk to End Alzheimer's
Help us lead the way in the fight to end Alzheimer's
4-way test
The 4-Way Test